K&T Tube Size

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Senior Member
I've got a job coming up where I have to move a bunch of K&T wiring from one j-box to two new j-boxes nearby to allow demolition of the wall where the current j-box is installed. Replacing the K&T isn't part of the plan, as it all pretty much disappears into the ceiling and goes to points unknown after that. The wires themselves look like they are in good shape, and the area where it's all currently exposed is going to get rocked over when the kitchen and bath remodel job are done.

I'm wondering if anyone knows what size holes are best for putting the tubes through, as I'll have to move several of them and reuse the tubes in holes I'm going to drill.
Re: K&T Tube Size

Can you measure one and get the diameter? I remember doing remodel work and sometimes had to beat the tubes out, so they fit tight if the hole isn't quite large enough.

Be sure to read 394 and 398.

Good luck
Re: K&T Tube Size


I'm partial to using :
Re: K&T Tube Size

I was thinking more along the lines of the holes I would have to bore in the joists, as I'll be moving some tubes over a few feet. I've got plenty of bushings, plastic NM clamps, etc. for the j-boxes.
Re: K&T Tube Size

For the porcelain tubes, the hole needs to be just small enough to prevent the wide end of the porcelain from sliding through.

For loam, the hole only needs to be wide enough to permit the insertion of the loam, however, any size larger than that is fair game, as it is basically like a cable.
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