I'm in MN as well.
A new luminaire requires a box, if not present. I let the situation drive the choice of box. Each original K&T lighting outlet was attached in the ceiling in a number of different ways. I find out what that way is first. As a result, I stock as many different types of boxes as I practically can.
The temperature requirements of the new luminaire must match that of the wire. This makes picking luminaires a challenge.
The art of working with K&T is to change what one can to newer methods, while maintianing the old in as safe a configuration as one can. The older building, originally wired with K&T, will have, commonly, only some of the outlets still on the K&T. Those outlets will be the lighting and a few receptacles.
Unless the job is a gut, the wall and ceiling surfaces will remain, so replacing the K&T will be expensive for the customer. If they can afford it, do it, if they will buy it. If they need a particular look of a luminaire rated at 90?C then sell them the new wiring method for that location.