Kids playground area and panelboards

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have Jumping gymnasium for kids all ages two floors. First floor has playground and playground equipment room that has two 208/120V three phase 200A panelboards. Second floor has party rooms.

Is their any code section that says panelboards cannot be located where kids playground equipment or kids are playing?
I have Jumping gymnasium for kids all ages two floors. First floor has playground and playground equipment room that has two 208/120V three phase 200A panelboards. Second floor has party rooms.

Is their any code section that says panelboards cannot be located where kids playground equipment or kids are playing?

There is no code section that I know of prohibiting panelboards in such a space. As long as the little tykes can't open up the equipment it should be good. If someone wants to be extra cautious, they can box out the panels. Mind the required access space.
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