Kiss of death?

Looks like the sort of thing you mention to a knowledgeable tech support nerd, and they go "Uh, oh."
It is what I'm afraid off.
I let it do an hour so of onboard diagnostics that showed another error code then had it reboot when I was asked. A few automated windows updates later, it came on.

I have three older laptops now, MDSW will frown severely if I add another to the pile. AND get a new one.
The screen's memory failed. It can't remember what the control memory is doing.

do you have another screen to try out?
If it still not booting, even when the external monitor is plugged in, then you can try booting into safe mode and see if that works or you might need to open up the back and unplug the ribbon cable for the laptop screen to get it to bypass the booting sequence for the screen. Just don't boot it up without reinstalling the back or you can accidentally short a connection.
this in a laptop? could be a flat cable is failing or needs reseating. edid is the data channel where the screen tells the system whats specs are (among other things)