There is nothing inherently wrong with a properly installed and used MultiWireBranchCircuit (MWBC). But you need handle ties on the breakers, so they had better be adjacent in the panel. And, of course, they have to be on opposite phases. Make sure that the neutral is not shared with any more than just those two circuits, and do not plan on installing feed-through GFCIs.
The voltage drop in the two SABCs will be no higher, and sometimes lower than it would be with separate neutrals.
You, or whoever works on the circuits in the future will need to keep in mind the shared neutral when troubleshooting, rewiring, etc. (the handle ties on the breakers will help for that.) And make sure that the neutral connections all the way back to the panel are solidly wired or you will likely burn up some other devices one day when you turn on the toaster or the coffee maker. Good wiring practices will minimize the chances of that.