I’m doing a commercial kitchen that has exhaust fans. The 120 feed for these exhaust fans is run directly to the fans, and there is a shielded twisted pair (600v rated) to be ran from the exhaust fan to the hood control panel. I was told I could run them together down into the building, land the seal tight to a box, then free air my STP. My inspector nearly failed me on it but I showed him 300.3(c) and he said he’ll pass but he’s going to look into it. I’m struggling to understand the nuances of 300.3, as well as article 725. I understand typically low-voltage communication wires cannot be ran in the same conduit as higher voltages as they are class two and three circuits. But 725.136(d) allows for them to be in the same conduit if they have to do with the load in question. Also dimming mc exists so please help me understand.