Here in CA, it is much tougher to disturb existing knob and tube work. If you're planning surgical procedure to gain access to this type of wiring, it would be tough to do upgrades. These houses or institutional structures were built in the twenties right on to the early forties.
Plaster finishes over wood slats are mixed with asbestos aggregate that pose health hazard to both workers and occupants.
Structures with asbestos material can not be disturb. In my city, there was small school house that was abandoned and the owner couldn't even get a permit to raze the structure. Realizing that it was expensive to demolish it, the owner donated it to the fire department and used as fire fighting practice for new hires. The firefighters set it on fire.
I wish I had documented it but cell phone cameras were not available 30 years ago.
And yes, as the other poster says, just forget K&T and start from scratch.