Kohler generators

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Big Guns

Can someone tell me the distance that a Kohler generator has to be from a residential dwelling, clearences on back side if next to house and both sides.

Thank You


Senior Member
I am not 100% sure but i believe you have to be away from an opening to the house (door & window) instead of away from the house.

what does the instruction say?
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Washington, DC
The location must be well ventilated and there are minimum distance requirements between a stationary combustion engine and any door, window, or outside air intake vent -- typically 5 feet, but may be higher depending on the circumstances -- to prevent carbon monoxide and other noxious fumes entering the home.

The setback from the property line usually depends on the local noise ordinances. In some municipalities, the noise ordinances apply only to prime and continuous generators, not emergency/standby generators. However, they may restrict the times during the week when running an emergency/standby generator for testing and maintenance is allowed.

The location may also depend on the local ordinances for fuel storage if a permanent external tank is provided.

Also, if you are locating the generator between two homes, consider the drainage conditions during major thunderstorms. A retaining wall and housekeeping pad may be necessary to protect the generator from flooding, mud and debris if the runoff to the street funnels through the location being considered.

And, as edward said, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
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