L/V lighting fountains

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Per 680.23(a)(2)the secondary will be ungounded I have primary feed ground which is bonded to the transformer enclosure and the metal barrier between the primary and secondary. the fixture being supplied voltage (12vac) by the secondary of the transformer ( fuse protected)is grounded to a common ground bar where the above grounds are landed. with this if the hot grounds to the fixture housing it will not open the fuse, this was tested true. Am I missing something wrong with this installation or ???



Senior Member
Cleveland, Ohio
Re: L/V lighting fountains

by the secondary of the transformer ( fuse protected)is grounded to a common ground bar where the above grounds are landed.
If this secondary is bonded to the same ground bar, it is no longer isolated, right?

If your fuse is not melting when you short-out the conductors at a considerable distance from the source, you may have conductors that are too small to carry enough current to deliver the flow required to melt the fuse. Voltage drop at 12V is rapid!


Re: L/V lighting fountains

I miss stated the problem, sorry. I have a 120vac/ 12vac pool transformer,the secondary is isolated per 680.23(a)(2)nec code and manfactures instructions. the light fixture is grounded to the ground bar in the panel which bonds the fixture to the primary of xfmer. I have shorted from the panel ground to the secondary Hot and did not blow the fuse. Oh yes, these are submergible fixtures bronze bodies, if the hot where to contact the body it would be energize 12vac and will not open the fuse. Am I missing something? or is this just the lesser of two evils?
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