Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

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Senior Member
Southern NH
I had a friend tell me he was looking at some recently built houses, and they were in a pretty good spread, as far as geographic location. He was asking me if there are new requirements on labeling Romex (NM) cables - as he said just about every house he went in to had each NM cable clearly marked as to what it fed, and the panels were also clearly labeled. I know that in his existing house, I helped him label the panel, as his was like I've seen in most - some breaker positions marked with pencil, and not very legible. SOme breakers had no labeling what so ever.

What are your thoughts here? Is there some buried requirement to label individual NM cables as to what they're feeding?



[ February 22, 2006, 06:33 AM: Message edited by: bjp_ne_elec ]
Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

408.4 Circuit Directory or Circuit Identification
Every circuit and circuit modification shall be legibly identified as to its clear, evident, and specific purpose or use. The identification shall include sufficient detail to allow each circuit to be distinguished from all others. The identification shall be included in a circuit directory that is located on the face or inside of the panel door in the case of a panelboard, and located at each switch on a switchboard.
As far as labeling the cables, it would make the requirement of 408.4 easier to keep up with during rough in, or later down the road.


[ February 22, 2006, 06:38 AM: Message edited by: roger ]
Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

IMO the marking of the NM cable is a preference thing. Now don't get me wrong, I like it. And at the rough-in it makes the job go faster and I'm not standing there looking at 3- 12/2's thinking "now which one was the home run" :D
All I can find in the code is 408.4 telling me to fill out the panel schedule. I guess it could be a AHJ thing.... Lets see what others have to say.

Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

Didn't know I had to be a fast typist at 6:30 am

:D :D :D :D

Sorry for steping on your answer Roger.

[ February 22, 2006, 06:47 AM: Message edited by: kevinware ]
Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

Kevin, no need to worry, we were on the same page. :)

Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

Often all yoy see is RECEPTACLES,KITCHEN 1 KITCHEN 2,FRIG.Face it there simply is not enough space to say north wall of living room,south wall of family room,east wall of hall,bath light.I always tell customer turn them ALL OFF if your thinking of doing anything yourself.Never5 trust a panel schedule with your life
Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

Marking identification per each cable is not NEC driven as is the directory labeling per [408.4].
In speed contests and fatter wallets, a Sharpie marker comes in second for cable identification. The tract racers use indent marking without reaching into a pocket/pouch to spell out the circuit description on sheathing. Certain cables are obvious without needing marking while kitchen circuits using 12-2 are easily identified as SA1, one notch, SA2, 2 notch, refer 3, micro 4, disp 5, d/w 6 etc. when you cut the home run a notch says it all and saves you or the EC a couple of hours a house. If the SA1 or Kit Appl 1 abbreviations are not on the inspectors acronym list...then give them one. Speed does not outrun system methods, just ask any Californian doing competitive tract bids. Indent systems can assist installers in blind areas where Sharpie on sheathing is not in braille. :) rbj, Seattle

[ February 22, 2006, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: gndrod ]
Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

Notching is, in my opinion, not reliable. If squeezed too much, the insulation can be nicked; if too little, the indentations don't show.

I prefer taking the time to write. Can you imagine indenting these panels? Let's see, 37 notches is living-room lights...


[ February 25, 2006, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: LarryFine ]
Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

Larry, the two-pole breakers in the panels are in violation of 200.7. The blue markings stop short of the termination. :p

Good looking panels.
Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

Originally posted by georgestolz:
The blue markings stop short of the termination. :p

What blue markings?
What do I need?
a) New monitor
b) New Glasses
c) a + b
d) you tell me?
Re: Labeling of NM cables and Panel - optional?

Celtic, the two-wire home runs are reidentified, as they should be.

That reidentification isn't at the terminations, it ends halfway up the conductor. :)
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