Labeling Solar.

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Master Code Professional
Building inspector
3/4 EMT running from roof, through the inside of the house, then out of the wall at the main panel. Inspector wants the conduit labeled with red and identifying it as "separately derived". This is a local requirement, I was wondering if any one else has had to do this.
It seems that red would be the color for fire alarm systems. At least as far as I know.
I suggest a different color like yellow.
Nah, Pete is right. The sun is yellow, so . . .
3/4 EMT running from roof, through the inside of the house, then out of the wall at the main panel. Inspector wants the conduit labeled with red and identifying it as "separately derived". This is a local requirement, I was wondering if any one else has had to do this.

Is it really "separately derived" as defined by code?
I've never marked an unquestionably SDS with a different color pipe at all, and not for solar either.

It's not really a SDS, but the city did want it marked. The logic they used is if some one does a remodel they may turn off the main, and not know the solar is live, then cut into it. The requirement is that the conduit be marked ever 10 ft. in red, with white lettering. They did accept just rapping a 6'' section of pipe, in red phasing tape, then using a label maker to wright "Solar" on it. Easy enough.
Is this a grid tie system?
If it is there will be no power present if the main is off.
The inverters have current sensing devices to prevent back-feeding in a power outage.
The Labels at the panel should suffice. however how long does it take to lable.
Is this a grid tie system?
If it is there will be no power present if the main is off.
The inverters have current sensing devices to prevent back-feeding in a power outage.
The Labels at the panel should suffice. however how long does it take to label.

It is grid tied, and you got the question right, why label it, but it was very quick and very easy to do. But I think if it was an issue, of importance, it would already be in the NEC.
Depends on if the inverters are before or after the conduit. If this is the DC voltage feed to the inverters, there could be power on them at any time there is light outside whether the grid-tie inverter is active or not. If this system uses roof-mounted inverters and this is the AC feed to the panel, then yeah, the inverter should shut down relatively quickly when the main is turned off.
In some places in SoCal the cities/fire departments want the conduit labeled


Fire department made us do this. One sticker, every ten feet, every raceway. That is a lot of stickers on a 1 MW installation.
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