What is the largest HP Motor you would put on a 480V bus started across the line?
Then same question again started with a VFD?
Largest motors period I’ve seen is 1200 HP. It was stupidly large for 480. Contactors give out at about 800-1000 A forcing you to use breakers. Largest VFD driven motor period was built by ABB. It runs a wind tunnel, 150,000 HP. The VFD is underpowered.
Above about 400 HP there is a mechanical issue. If you allow the full starting torque on ATL you end up grossly over sizing shafting. So some soft starting helps greatly.
On those sizes for that reason there is always some kind of soft starting. Today we use SCR electronic soft starts mostly. In the past I’ve seen wye delta and sometimes auto transformer.
A big problem with VFDs and even ATL motors is that they have a tendency towards bearing fluting in a big way. One particular very noisy VFD (AB Powerflex 700) and motor required a massive common mode filter to get the bearing currents under control.
As to practicality IEEE Red Book has a lot to say about system sizing. Based on experience on conventional starting the economics favor 4160 starting at around 500 HP. On VFDs this goes up quite a bit, approaching around 700-800 HP but be careful. Depending on the application you may run into an issue that an “800 HP” VFD may only be sufficient on a 500 HP “heavy duty” application.
Don’t be afraid of MV VFDs. At one time the only way to do large ones was to step down to 480, parallel several large VFDs, then step back up. Now up to 1250 HP there are lots of cascaded H bridges (cheap, simple, transformerless) and there’s no real practical limit except that again around 5000 HP it starts to be necessary to go to 7200 or higher since contactors in MV only go to around 800 A. They’re still expensive but it’s mostly due to the necessity of a lot more steps to avoid the lower surge limits than a cheap 6 pulse inverter.
As to VFDs these are massively expensive and impractical unless you need variable speed at the high end. And at larger sizes not very competitive with cycloconverters. Wound rotors are variable torque (with liquid rheostats). Starters can be soft starting or capacitive starters or wound rotor.