A church customer is looking for a new projector. The 20 year old model they have requires $500 lamps that don't last long. They buy them somewhere.
They are thinking about using a laser projector and asked if I can get them. Anybody have an idea where and or what should be used. 70 to 90 feet range.
Projector lamps can be rated anywhere from 200-2000 hours, depending on the type. If the projector is in a hot location, if they don't clean the filters, if it runs for 8 hours a day every day, or they control the power with a switch and not the remote, the lamp life will take a big hit.
You need to know--
The screen size and aspect ratio (a 20 year old unit is probably 4:3).
The actual throw.
(With that throw, I assume front projection. If the screen is that old, it might need cleaning or even replacement with a higher-gain one).
Room lighting- does it need a bright picture on full daylight or not?
Interface- VGA is for most purposes dead, use either HDMI, DVI, or HD-SDI, depending on what's feeding it.
There are several calculators online that will help with finding the intensity and lens size.
I'd never mount a projector 70' from the screen unless it was nearly a 70' wide screen, unless you just can't put it anywhere else; then it'll need a special (read- more expensive) lens.