Laundry Circuits

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Senior Member
Is it still code to have the laundry light on the same circuit as the outlet for the washer/dryer? Or does the outlet need to be on a completely dedicated 20A circuit?
Yes you need the 20 amp laundry circuit with recep(s) only in the laundry area but I am of the opinion that the code does not say you have to use it for the washing machine. This opens back up the debate we had in April. Was there ever any consensus?
I amre it has been allowed for many code cycles.
I think you may be confused about bathrooms and allowing the lights to be on the circuit as long as the circuit does not leave the bath.
210.11(C)(2) as well as 210.52(F), specifies laundry receptacle outlets. If your lighting is cord and plug connected then you might be able to put lighting on that laundry circuit. The code is not clear as to what is allowed to be connected to that receptacle other than laundry.
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