leadmen help

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where can i get lead men to run my trucks all i have is helpers who i have to baby sit which takes twice as long to get anthing done?I have four trucks my lead men i had retired and moved out of the area.Should i try skilled labor? temp help? My helpers won't even go to school to get ahead i having trouble being in five places at once
DDIXON said:
where can i get lead men to run my trucks all i have is helpers who i have to baby sit which takes twice as long to get anthing done?I have four trucks my lead men i had retired and moved out of the area.Should i try skilled labor? temp help? My helpers won't even go to school to get ahead i having trouble being in five places at once

As long as your paying a good wage, you should have no problem, finding a good man, your helpers should all be in an approved labor department app program, from the day they are hired, this way you have guys that can move up, to make your company valuable.
Folks, before coming down on DDIXON keep in mind that the rules are very different across the country, there are still many areas that do not require much if anything about licensing and apprenticing.
welcome to the club. try and see if they will work a sturday,( Ya, right) the helpers are very diffrent these days.And the temp agents are very expensive.
All the good guys are spoken for, unless your very lucky. It seems that almost every body has some kind of baggage. I find 1 out of 10 are a keeper.and thats a conservative number.
DDIXION, one thing that might help you, would be for you to join some sort of trade organization. NECA, IEC, IBEW, The Building Trade Association, or whatever they have in your area. Through it you can find classes for your guys. One of the best things ever is to send a guy that shows some promise to a Foreman's Class.
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We dont have helpers only apprentices, and they all go through apprenticeship courses. This is part of it when we hire a greenee, if their not willing to learn they can work for someone else. Post adds at the supply houses bulletin board, usually the guys their getting material are decent and all the riff raff are on the job site. Keep hiring until you find the right people, sometimes its not the best electrician but they may be trust worthy, responsible, and with good work ethic, you can teach them the rest.
DDIXON said:
where can i get lead men to run my trucks all i have is helpers who i have to baby sit which takes twice as long to get anthing done?I have four trucks my lead men i had retired and moved out of the area.Should i try skilled labor? temp help? My helpers won't even go to school to get ahead i having trouble being in five places at once

There are really only two ways to get (good) help of any sort.
1) Grow your own.
2) Hire them away from some other company.

(Anyone who can actually do the work is likely already doing it.)

Hopefully Helpful Hint:
Get one of those pay as you go cell phones and then post an ad at the supply houses with that cell number on it. Don't use your company phone number or your regular every day cell number.

Short Term:
Are your "helpers" capable of doing the day to day work?
Pick the best of the bunch and sit him down. Talk turkey.

Do you really just need a baby sitter to keep them moving?
Get a retired/available relative or friend to be a baby sitter for a while.

Do you need a real Journeyman on site to do the work with the helpers?
See above. You'll have to hire him from somewhere else but don't count on a 100% fit right off the bat.

Good Luck.
Just about every state, has some form of apprentice trainning, licensing has nothing to do with apprentice programs, in some states, different agencies may run the programs in some states, the labor department is active in most of the states. even North Dakota offers both IBEW and NECA programs.
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NYS now has a 1 year moratorium on starting new apprentiship programs.
Even without the moratorium, getting an apprentiship program off the ground in NYS is almost as hard as getting a rocket off the ground and also very expensive to start and run - let alone thinking of the continuing paperwork involved.
this may seem extream but if helpers are a dime a dozen then one by one replace the worst one with a new one. you may either get a good one or will scare the others into working harder. like bryanmd posted hire from your compition.
BryanMD said:
1) Grow your own.
2) Hire them away from some other company.

(Anyone who can actually do the work is likely already doing it.)

That's why I belive it's a good invest to purchase a clone. I hear the Iwire2000 is a good model if you can keep it away from a computer ( tends to spend a lot of time on-line ).

By the way, you guys didn't think there was just one Bob did you? Come on, with 18000 post on this site alone it would be impossible. The Bobs that you have grown to know and love are actually demonstration models. :grin: :grin: :grin:
growler said:
Iwire2000 is a good model if you can keep it away from a computer ( tends to spend a lot of time on-line

That model is a slacker and is drawn to an intenet connection like a bee to honey. :wink:
I agree that the supply house would be the best bet.

Keep in mind not everyone wants to babysit. I have seen a foreman tell a younger guy to go home or sweep a dirt road. If you hire a new guy he might just walk if the moral is bad at the shop.

Have you asked one of your guys if he can step up and be your go to guy? I have seen guys do a 180 when they are the lead.
"There are really only two ways to get (good) help of any sort.
1) Grow your own.
2) Hire them away from some other company"


Your item 1 is good advice
Your item 2 really sucks

My former employer and great mentor advised that "we never hire away from a competitor"

Maybe I am living in the dark ages, but I think not? Any takers here?

Happy New Year Everyone and Best Wishes
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