Leaving one side of a well pump hot all the time?

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New User
Georgia US
Network Engineer
Hello All,

We recently moved to the great white north, of Georgia, and this is my first home with a well, and where it freezes. The previous owner would string out 100 ft of extension cord over the driveway and down the hill to the well every winter to power a heater in the event of a freeze.

The thing is there is already a 110 outlet at the well head, branched off one of the 120/240 legs that power the well pump, but it only gets power when calling for the well to pump because the pressure switch is hundreds of feet away. The well controller is a Frankin MODEL 2823018110 pump controller with a 3 wire pump.

I'd like to bypass the pressure switch on one of the legs so the outlet and one side of the well controller get power all the time. Will this damage the pump? If this is ok, does it matter what leg will get power all the time? The wiring diagram of the well controller does mention "Line power from two pole fused switch or circuit breaker, and other control if used". I assume this controller was the only switch at one time, as the pressure tank and valve were added during a renovation before I took ownership. Thanks in advance!

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