LED flat light panels

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One of the electricians in the plant has been installing 2x4ft flat lay in fixtures in the drop ceiling areas . Been doing this off and on for last year . It looks like some are starting to get little dark down the middle . Looks like lens needs to be cleaned from the floor but it's only about 15 inch section down the middle you see this . Don't know the manufacture just wondered if anyone had run into this issue ...
My guess would be that the lenses are not acrylic lenses and are yellowing. Most manufacturers use polycarbonate or something other than acrylic on their flat panels that is more prone to yellowing. It could also be an issue with some of the LEDs failing and showing up as a dark streak since the flat panel lenses are edge lit and don't do a very good job of mixing the light.

There is a reason the flat panels cost what they do.
I believe some of the high cost of flat panel that uses edge lit technology may have to do with Rambus patent trolling.
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