LED light in a cupola

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Senior Member
Customer is requesting that I wire an LED light in a cupola. This will sit on top of the ridge of a garage roof, and measures 18" x 18". He mentioned I should be able to push the wire thru the roof and attach some kind of socket that fits right on the end of the romex :-?? This has yet to be built, and I'm not sure what to tell him, as I don't think I'll find anything other then a standard light socket (e.g. porcelian) to screw in an LED bulb. Anyone ever prewire a small cupola? Any suggestions appreciated.


Senior Member
We've done a bunch of cupolas. Mostly with some sort of rope light. There was always enough room for a receptacle box, though.

Around 2 months ago, I was at the supply house and one of the P&S Reps was there. We had just had a home theatre customer want rope lights in a cove and didn't want to see the receptacle. I asked this Rep if they could ever come up with a cord cap that would be UL listed for use on romex.
He pulled one out of his case and said, 'yes, this one'.
Problem is, I got no model # or literature on it.
I'll see if I can get one today.


Senior Member
Customer is requesting that I wire an LED light in a cupola. This will sit on top of the ridge of a garage roof, and measures 18" x 18". He mentioned I should be able to push the wire thru the roof and attach some kind of socket that fits right on the end of the romex :-?? .

I have never seen one that size, a copula that is. Sounds more like an oversized, homemade light fixture sitting on the garage roof ( 18" X 18" ). Now looking at it as a light fixture I would think that one side would need to be hinged to allow access for maintenance, you know, changing the lamp and so forth. If there is access then it should be possible to mount some sort of small fixture.

I would just make sure that when they build it they allow for access.


Senior Member
Not much chance of access once its done, but I did tell the builder to make sure we can get in there after its built. Wouldn't be easy. At this point I figure I will use a standard base LED bulb mounted to a porcelian lamp base. I haven't seen the cord cap for romex, but I have seen a cord cap put on romex before...Just another idea I guess.
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