LED LIghting Options

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I have sold some LED's to customers based on the energy savings and lamp life, but have been dissapointed by the lumen output. I bought the 65W Par 30 eqivalent LED lamps, and they dont seem nearly as bright as an incandescent lamp. They are still a little too pricey also.
A handfull... Most get scared off by the cost, and more importantly the color, or lack there-of, of colors they like....


Starfire also has some I recently seen at the Rep's (Puck lights that had good color) but I don't think they are listed yet.

Bottom line is Color, and to get good color costs... And what I recently learned (From the Rep above) is with SOME - every LED of the whiter variety are hand soldered, as they haven't tooled machines to heat sink them yet. And can not be re-flow proccesed. It better be good at the $50 per foot COST!!!!

(I have one going next week - I'll let you know how goes it....)
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Other than my awsome collections of LED flashlights that seems to grow everytime I go to the supply house or the outdoor store... I put in some decora style LED lights for a stairwell recently. Color is a problem.
As the others have stated, the color seems to be the constant issue, I recently found and sold some recessed retro trims to a customer. They offer a couple different light colors. Here's the link http://www.llfinc.com/index.aspx
they were like $112.00/ fixture, but you figure over the life of the fixture, the bulb changes the customer would have. They do dim, but not alot of control there yet.
at the higher end of the market you have Color Kinetics. Residential would likely be most interested in the essential white and intelliwhite lines.. http://www.colorkinetics.com/ls/essentialwhite/ewmr/ . they also offer full RGB in architectural fixtures. Not for the faint of budget.

Linear units also available from http://www.tivoliusa.com/index.htm and http://www.tokistar.com/

There are a large number of other high quality units that are crossing over from the themed environment and "archi-tainment" industries, with prices dropping as they do so. If you are looking for something specific let me know and I will see if I can point you in the right direction.

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