LED retrofit

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Senior Member
North Georgia mountains
Owner/electrical contractor
Has anyone seen the new LED light strip that replaces a T-8 lamp (4'), the ballast is disconnected and 120 is wired to the sockets. Uses 15 watts, and has a kinda blue color to it. Checked the light output with a light meter, and found that light output actually increases the further away from the fixture. At 4' light output was less than the T8, but at 8' was equal.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
Has anyone seen the new LED light strip that replaces a T-8 lamp (4'), the ballast is disconnected and 120 is wired to the sockets. Uses 15 watts, and has a kinda blue color to it. Checked the light output with a light meter, and found that light output actually increases the further away from the fixture. At 4' light output was less than the T8, but at 8' was equal.

We had a demo of these bulbs at our supply store a few weeks ago. Interesting because the fluorescent is now modified to be a new led fixture. How legal is that? I could not get a straight answer from the sales rep. He would only say that the bulbs are listed.

Great idea just not sure of the modifications to the fixture.

Mr. Bill

Senior Member
I think the they're brighter farther away because the LEDs are like little spot lights while the fluorescent throws the light in every which direction. The closer you are to the fluorescent the less it has been able to spread out.

We had a high end hotel up up here last year and I got a lighting tour from the lighting designer. The front entrance canopy is all LEDs. And they actually made circles of light on the ground.
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