With all of the new LED Lamps coming out I've come across more than one instance where somebody
before me has retrofitted a ballasted fixture to LED. Meaning they took out the ballast and wired the line
voltage directly to the lamp socket.
This is deceiving at first seeing as how the old markings on the fixture and stickers may still indicate
the original configuration.
Is there any code requirements to relabel an existing fixture that has been retrofitted to indicate the
ballast has been removed and is now not what it may seem?
I've even run across standard edison base fixtures that have been retrofitted, with 277v at the socket that
you wouldnt expect.
before me has retrofitted a ballasted fixture to LED. Meaning they took out the ballast and wired the line
voltage directly to the lamp socket.
This is deceiving at first seeing as how the old markings on the fixture and stickers may still indicate
the original configuration.
Is there any code requirements to relabel an existing fixture that has been retrofitted to indicate the
ballast has been removed and is now not what it may seem?
I've even run across standard edison base fixtures that have been retrofitted, with 277v at the socket that
you wouldnt expect.