Legal or Illegal sub panel

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Evansville, In
Original install was 2 100 amp meters one fried and they replaced it with a 400 amp meter base with 1-200 amp disconnect and 1- 125 amp disconnect located outside sice both panels are 20 feet from the meter sockets. The original install was direct feed from the meter to the panel and I say since they installed the disconnect they made the panels inside sub panels and now they need to run the fourth wire and seperate the neutrals and equipment grounds since these are now sub panels WHATS YOUR OPINIONS
I agree with you and add that the grounding electrode conductors should be routed to the service/service disconnects also if they are at the original panels.
Absolutely. Technically, that applies to any 3-wire appliances (i.e., the nuetral does the bonding), too.
then the gec would have to be run to the disconnects, was the gec upgraded as well?, is this a dwelling or a commercial install?
It's a commercial install and no, thats the second factor in the story the gec wasn't upgraded at the time and this man says that it passes because it was grandfathered in, try and figure that out I cant
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