Length of equipment whips

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We have a commercial kitchen and the question came up on how long can the whips for the equipment connections be. I believe it is 6 feet.
Read the code language carefully.

The length limitation applies to the under-sizes factory whips. If you are using full-gauge MC to make your own whips, they can be as long as you like - but do need support.
Depending on how people are defining "whip", I don't know that there is a catch-all limitation.

FMC has limitations, like 348.20(A)(2)a., if small, and 240.5(2) imposes some per fixture wire size (granted, there can be a long discussion here about the location of an outlet), but I don't remember exactly where "whips" are in the NEC.
Read the securing and supporting requirements for the particular raceway or cable that is used for making the 'whip'.
Maybe not the same, but the rule for taps in branch circuits saying they shall not be longer than necessary for servicing the appliance, might be what the OP was thinking.
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