Another silly Brit question.
What is Level 1 EVSE?
I am sorry let me clarify. We are installing Level 2 evse in a condominium parking garage. So There is a resident with a plug in hybrid that is using an existing 120V 15 A receptacle without gfci protection. The HOA asked us to bring the Phev into code compliance. So my question is if the receptacle is existing do we still need a dedicated circuit and does this need to be gfci protected?
This location is in a garage so may 210.12(B)(8) garages apply. Also 625.40 EV Branch Circuit. These are out of 2017 so with equipment such as EVSE does the NEC allow Level1 EVSE equipment to use existing receptacles if they don’t meet these requirements? So my question is the question is the equipment is new but the 120V 15A receptacle is not.
... I would recommend that it just be removed. Let the guy ... run an extension cord out his window instead of stealing our power.
This is my thought, too, especially if this is related to a recent thread about the HOA trying to figure out a long term solution for everyone. Eliminate this one while you figure it out. The safety of it seems irrelevant.
120 volt 15 or 20 amp receptacle in recent codes would likely been required to have GFCI protection. This may or may not be considered a dwelling garage, if is a dwelling garage has been GFCI requirement for quite some time, if not a dwelling garage maybe not required until more recently.
2017 and 2020 NEC expanded GFCI requirements and even a 240 volt receptacle could require GFCI protection in some situations.
If I was on the HOA I would want as many EV charging receptacles as possible.
The 2020 added a new requirement 625.54 that all receptacles for EV charging shall be GFCI protected "in addition to the requirements in 210.8".
(Oddly its noted in my codebook as a triangle 'text deletion and figure revision' , but I dont see it in my 2017.)
There is no mention of voltage or amperage class or location just 'all'.
I think by 2017 NEC and below its not required for EVSE specifically.
If I was on the HOA I would want as many EV charging receptacles as possible.