LFMC 1/2" Instr connections in CID2 NEC 250.118 (6)(b)

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Senior Member
Baton Rouge
Electrical Inspector
Is this true in CID2?
1/2", Listed, Liquidtight Flexible Metal Conduit does not require an additional, external bonding jumper if the OCD is rated 20A or less.
Thank you both for input. These are analog, millivolt and discreet circuits - nothing over 10A; LFMC is only 3 feet long.
Now that you mention 501.30 - I am guessing a Myers hub is NOT sufficient to avoid bonding jumpers in CID2 when entering a NEMA 4X box that contains only a terminal strip
Now that you mention 501.30 - I am guessing a Myers hub is NOT sufficient to avoid bonding jumpers in CID2 when entering a NEMA 4X box that contains only a lterminal strip
This is where the Exception applies; specifically Part 501.30(B)(1). The Myers Hub must be specifically listed for grounding.
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