LFMC length limitations, and its application for electrified furniture

Having a hard time interpreting 350.30: A) indicates that secure fastening is required within 12" "...of each box, cabinet, conduit body, or other conduit termination and shall be supported and secured at intervals not to exceed 4.5'." Exception four says that "For the purposes of 350.30, listed LFMC fittings shall be permitted as a means of securement and support."

I take this as for a wall or a pokethrough/floorbox furnitrure feed - the fitting is considered to be the means of securement, as well as the fitting where it terminates into the furniture - so no additional securement required, and the floor acts a means of support (every 4.5'). Does that mean that there's technically no length limit on LFMC furniture feed?

I normally like to keep the furniture feeds short, but just making sure that we're allowed to go as long as 6-8 feet if there is a need.

Please chime in.
Point taken, so even if the vendor provides a 6' base feed, it would have to be secured, at the very least once at the halfway point to the floor or wall?


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