Liability for doing pool inspections, if you are a Master Electrician


Senior Member
Trophy Club, Texas
Master Electrician
If you only inspect a pool, alter nothing ,do nothing but inspecting, what are the legal ramifications. ( If someone has already posted a similar question I apologize, but did not see it.)
Anyone out there doing pool inspections who has run into problems? Found it necessary to post a bond ? Been told that there are consequences if the client experiences a problem? Been told you need to be a contractor? The liability if the client refuses to correct a problem? Do you turn off the pool power if there is a problem and let the client decide to turn the power back on if there is a problem?
Any help would be appreciate.
Any accident attorney can make you look bad in court, attack your credentials, credibility, or qualifications, while establishing cause for joint & several liability.

While pool contractors typically require GL policies, inspectors usually get Errors & Omissions insurance, industry certification, state & local licenses.

In my state ICC certification is required for building inspectors, recommended for home inspectors, and general contractors are required to use sub-contractors licensed for pools, if pools are not one of the trades used to acquire their general license.
Any accident attorney can make you look bad in court, attack your credentials, credibility, or qualifications, while establishing cause for joint & several liability.

While pool contractors typically require GL policies, inspectors usually get Errors & Omissions insurance, industry certification, state & local licenses.

In my state ICC certification is required for building inspectors, recommended for home inspectors, and general contractors are required to use sub-contractors licensed for pools, if pools are not one of the trades used to acquire their general license.
I have a friend who had his pool inspected by " a pool Inspector " and realized how poor a job was done.
I have watched many You Tube Videos on pool inspections, many of which have little to do with the electrical other than checking the GFCI to the pool light.
Mike Holt's Video on pool inspections was outstanding and at the end he said send him 2 or 3 documentation of pool inspections you have done, if he finds them acceptable, because he gets requests for electricians to do pool inspections all the time.
I was afraid of the liabilities but was hoping to be able to help people get an accurate inspection without being a contractor and posting a large bond but your analysis is correct, an accident attorney is going to find you liable if something goes bad.
Not willing to become a contractor, post a bond and start a business to do a few pool inspections.
Thanks for the insight, that I was afraid of.
inspected by " a pool Inspector " and realized how poor a job was done.
Most wont File Construction Complaints, since avoiding building permits. They just sell the defects as is, to the next sucker.