Licenseing system

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Senior Member
SW Florida
Is there a licenseing system in Greenville South Carolina? I had a friend today ask me how she can find one. they have had some bad experiances.
c 2500 been working for her?:grin:

My reputation preceeds me? Ouch!:grin: That hurt. You cut me deep Shrek.

Licensing for Greenville, SC is as follows....

State License required from either Contracting (Commercial) or Residential Builders (commercial up to $5000, residential $5000, residential if bonded, unlimited.)

If you are in the county, that is all that is required. Grandfathered license from Residential builders (untested...just payed the money for the card) are accepted in the county.

If you are in the city of Greenville, you have to have a business license. The only way to obtain said business license is to have a state license. Grandfathered electrical licenses from Residential Builders are not accepted for permits, examination only. No license=no do the work as the HO. inspectors are by the book and can be hard to deal with....county...not so much.

Did she hire from Craigslist?

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Also, in SC, a holder of a "building" license is allowed to self perform up to $5,000 in electrical work. Makes no sense, but that's the way it is.

A builders up to 3 stories and 16 unit apartment building...(which I think would be the base GC license in North Carolina) which I happen to have, entitles me to pull permits for all aspects of residential construction. Framing, HVAC, electrical, and plumbing. This is only applicable to a county though. If I am operating in a city, I cannot (and I base this off of Greenville city, where I live) pull electrical, HVAC, or plumbing permits. This is why I took the test for electrical and plumbing my licenses.

My experience with Greenville County required me to have the residential electricians license to pull a permit for commercial work that was under $5000. The $5000 limit is a fluke in the law that allows commercial work to be done without being licensed by the Contracting Board. You still have to be licensed. I will concede though that other counties/cities may interpret the law differently than they do in Greenville. I will further state that every county apparently interprets the NEC to their own what do I know????:grin:

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I will add one more thing...

If I was GC, and not a builder, I could only pull the framing permit in the county. I would be forced to sub out all the other trades. I learned that when I pulled my last permit for a house I am redoing.

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Is there a licenseing system in Greenville South Carolina? I had a friend today ask me how she can find one. they have had some bad experiances.

There are two agencies in SC that license mechanical contractors and trades people.

1) The Municipal Association
2) The SC. Contractors Association

To perform electrical work (pull permits) in the city of Greenville SC. you MUST have a masters license or contractors license, and a city license. Along with a residential contractors license.
Then you pay a percentage of the bid price for the permit.
There are two agencies in SC that license mechanical contractors and trades people.

1) The Municipal Association
2) The SC. Contractors Association

To perform electrical work (pull permits) in the city of Greenville SC. you MUST have a masters license or contractors license, and a city license. Along with a residential contractors license.
Then you pay a percentage of the bid price for the permit.

I'm glade they have a license system. 1 unlimited electric contractor license should be enough or a RC license if that's all you do. But what floats thier boat.
I do not like their system at all. It is stringent, which is good. But all the extra fees eat at profit.
There are two agencies in SC that license mechanical contractors and trades people.

1) The Municipal Association
2) The SC. Contractors Association

To perform electrical work (pull permits) in the city of Greenville SC. you MUST have a masters license or contractors license, and a city license. Along with a residential contractors license.
Then you pay a percentage of the bid price for the permit.


Didn't the state do away with recognizing the Municiple Association? I heard they did and that only the contracting board or residential builders were acceptable.

Just curious....

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