Tell her to stop watering them.I have a customer whos light bulbs in her flower shop keep blowing along with string lights outside. I checked panel and boxes in that circuit for loose neturals and grounds. waiting to see if problem is fixed. any sugestions would be helpful
Have you measured the supply voltage? Is it within limits?I have a customer whos light bulbs in her flower shop keep blowing along with string lights outside. I checked panel and boxes in that circuit for loose neturals and grounds. waiting to see if problem is fixed. any sugestions would be helpful
I suggest reading each line-to-neutral voltage while under load.
That's now 3 posts about measuring the voltage. Let's hope the original poster takes note.Yes measure the line-neutral voltage at the lamps, not just the line-ground voltage.
Trying to keep their post count low?Why do these boys start a post,then don't come back?