Light Bulbs

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Senior Member
Anyone hear that the complete theory of light bulbs have been disproven? From now on, light bulbs should be called "dark suckers". This is because light bulbs are actually sucking the dark out of a room and not illuminated it. Dark has a heavier mass and travels faster than light. The dark sucker theory is proven by observing any luminaire. There is less dark near a lamp than there is far away. The larger the dark sucker, the lighter the room. The first dark suckers were candles. A new candle has a white wick. As the candle is used, the dark that is sucked up turns the wick black. If you place an object close to a candle, it starts to turn black because the object is blocking the path of the dark going to the candle. Sucking dark creates heat, so thats why you cant touch candles or dark suckers. Dark is heavier than light as stated before and this is proven when you swim into deeper water. It is darker at the bottom of a lake or river because the dark sinks and the light floats. Dark does have its advantages other than lightening a room. We can collect the dark from the bottom of lakes and push it through turbines to generate electricity. It is estimated that the bottom of the oceans have enough dark to power the world forever. And dark is replenished to the atmosphere every night. Dark suckers will now be rated by dark sucking quanity which is the unit of "D". A typical sucker will be rated at 60-D or 60 suckibles. Ohm's Law will be corrected accordingly. :D


Senior Member
Re: Light Bulbs

I have a similar device called a quiet-sucker. It sucks the silence out of the air. When I turn it on I can actually hear a guy talking about the news or weather from miles away.


Re: Light Bulbs

Don't let em discourage you BPH, one needs to have a sense of humor in times like these. Of course when sense in itself is absent, then a sense of anything becomes quite an impossibility...


Re: Light Bulbs

So light bulbs are really inverse black holes. Instead of black holes sucking up light, the light bulbs suck up dark. Therefore, we can assume that light bulbs are "light holes". :D

And if the stars in the universe follow this same theory, why is the universe dark?? :D


Esteemed Member
Re: Light Bulbs

Producing light consumes power. So producing dark must return power. This could make the turbines at Bonneville reverse and pump water uphill to use again.

You have found the answer to conservation :)


Re: Light Bulbs

Originally posted by bennie:
Producing light consumes power. So producing dark must return power. This could make the turbines at Bonneville reverse and pump water uphill to use again.

You have found the answer to conservation :)

Does that mean my closet at home is an untapped power source?? :D


Esteemed Member
Re: Light Bulbs

You probably have. Dark can develop photographs. How many times have you heard "darkroom light" :)

inspector 102

Senior Member
Northern Indiana
Re: Light Bulbs

How would one explain a "Black" light bulb? Does this theory only apply to "white" light. Does a strobe bulb work as an alternating lights source by sucking in the light and spitting it nback out at selected speeds? Just when I thought I had it all figured out, someone comes out with a new theory.


Re: Light Bulbs

Actually this is quite interesting.Physics has this idea that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.That is to say in my opinion that when one turns off the lightbulb the light /heat energy is still out there somewhere.When we observe this we say it is "dark".But what this is in reality is light,specifically the absence of light.Therefore i propose that in fact light and dark are the same,there is just a reversal of sign.For instance the same can be said of heat.100 degrees F and -100 degrees both describe heat energy.The positive sign describes the intensity of the heat and the negative sign the lack thereof.So in essence we as electricians are trying to control energy conversions for the heat and light suckers of this world.Oh and watch out for power suckers :roll: .They are "Out there too". :roll:
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