Light Fixture Selection

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Senior Member
Trying to select a temp light fixture that will give off 17 lumen per sq foot.

We are going to run two temp light stringers side by side( 15’ apart) by about 100’ long . The fixture will be about 10' from floor. Looking to space lights about 10’ apart on the stringer.

Is there a calculation based on fixture cut info(lumens/watts etc.) to determine if a particular fixture will give me 17 lumens a square foot at particular spacings? Thanks
The lighting depends on the room cavity ratio, reflection from walls and ceilings. yes there are lighting calculators, do you know type of walls and ceiling?
I don't have lighting calculation software or a link to one. One easy way is to contact a lighting rep, but not sure how that would work with temp lights
Free Lighting Simulation software below.

You might want to try using these if you want an accurate results.

If you want a tedious manual computation, you can use IESNA Zonal Cavity Method.
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