Light Fixtures above a Fuel Dispenser

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Senior Member
We are installing a small weather canopy over a gasoline dispenser and want to install lighting under the canopy. The dispenser is mounted on a small concrete pad (3.5' x 11.5') raised 4" above the surrounding pavement. There are 6" dia concrete-filled steel bollards between all vehicle traffic and the dispenser, so physical damage to the dispenser (and any light fixtures above it) should not occur.

I'd like to get some clarification and advice on light fixtures to be installed under the canopy.

1. NEC 511.7(B)(1)(b) states:
Fixed Lighting. Lamps and lampholders for fixed​
lighting that is located over lanes through which vehicles​
are commonly driven or that may otherwise be exposed to​
physical damage shall be located not less than 3.7 m (12 ft)​
above floor level, unless of the totally enclosed type or​
constructed so as to prevent escape of sparks or hot metal​

This seems to suggest that the requirement does not apply if the lighting is not located over vehicle lanes. But I can't find an alternative instruction for lighting in a "protected" area.

2. If NEC 511.7(B)(1)(b) still applies, what kind of lighting can be installed if over 12 ft above floor level? What about if we want to install less than 12 ft above floor? The requirement for "totally enclosed type or constructed so as to prevent escape of sparks or hot metal particles" seems like a broad description. Is any enclosed luminaire (e.g., weather enclosed) acceptable, or is there a specific rating on the luminaire that is required?

3. Is the "not less than 12 ft above floor level" measured from the surrounding pavement? Or the vertical distance from the luminaire to whatever constitutes the floor directly beneath the footprint of the luminaire (in this case, that would be the surface of the concrete pad to which the dispenser is mounted)?
We are installing a small weather canopy over a gasoline dispenser and want to install lighting under the canopy. The dispenser is mounted on a small concrete pad (3.5' x 11.5') raised 4" above the surrounding pavement. There are 6" dia concrete-filled steel bollards between all vehicle traffic and the dispenser, so physical damage to the dispenser (and any light fixtures above it) should not occur.

I'd like to get some clarification and advice on light fixtures to be installed under the canopy.

1. NEC 511.7(B)(1)(b) states:
Fixed Lighting. Lamps and lampholders for fixed​
lighting that is located over lanes through which vehicles​
are commonly driven or that may otherwise be exposed to​
physical damage shall be located not less than 3.7 m (12 ft)​
above floor level, unless of the totally enclosed type or​
constructed so as to prevent escape of sparks or hot metal​

This seems to suggest that the requirement does not apply if the lighting is not located over vehicle lanes. But I can't find an alternative instruction for lighting in a "protected" area.

2. If NEC 511.7(B)(1)(b) still applies, what kind of lighting can be installed if over 12 ft above floor level? What about if we want to install less than 12 ft above floor? The requirement for "totally enclosed type or constructed so as to prevent escape of sparks or hot metal particles" seems like a broad description. Is any enclosed luminaire (e.g., weather enclosed) acceptable, or is there a specific rating on the luminaire that is required?

3. Is the "not less than 12 ft above floor level" measured from the surrounding pavement? Or the vertical distance from the luminaire to whatever constitutes the floor directly beneath the footprint of the luminaire (in this case, that would be the surface of the concrete pad to which the dispenser is mounted)?
I think if you have an enclosed luminaire you have little requirements to meet as long as the luminaire is not in a classified area. May still be poor design to have less then 12 feet unless there is little or no chance of taller vehicles entering the space. What is a problem is an open style luminaire or just an open socket for a flood bulb.
1. You are correct that it doesn't apply to luminaires not above the vehicle lane. The only thing left to apply is whether the luminaire is inside or outside the classified location in which case, Section 501.130(B) would apply as necessary.

2. Since Section 511.7(B)(1)(b) doesn't apply, the question is moot. Howeve, if it otherwise did apply, it's pretty straight forward: above 12 feet, any luminaire otherwise suitable for the location is acceptable; below 12 feet but outside the classified location, globed and/or guarded is sufficient. If it is in the classified location, see 1.above.

3. Where applicable, the vertical measurement is taken from, "Where the rubber meets the road."
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