Lighting Contactors


Senior Member
With a 100% LED lighting load can I get away with a definite purpose contactor ? Sized accordingly of course. Or will I need the 4X the price lighting contactor ? And if so why ? Ty in advance for any wisdom.
"Get away with" is an appropriate term.
Most definite purpose contactors are UL Recognized as a component part and not listed as a stand alone piece of equipment.
Most likely they will handle the load fine but your AHJ may not approve of them in that scenario.
I have gotten away with using them for everything from lighting to fire-suppression systems.

Nobody has ever asked about them or to see them.
I’ve used DP contactors for about anything imaginable because I’ve seen them used that way by mfgs.

Hadn’t thought of IEC but they are more commonly available than in the past.

The advantage of the lighting contactor is they latch in, and the ones I’ve dealt with, can be manually transitioned when a coil fails.
I’ve used DP contactors for about anything imaginable because I’ve seen them used that way by mfgs.

Hadn’t thought of IEC but they are more commonly available than in the past.

The advantage of the lighting contactor is they latch in, and the ones I’ve dealt with, can be manually transitioned when a coil fails.
You can generally add a latch attachment to an iec style contactor.
The difference and I’m not looking for a cheap way. I can get a DP 30amp 120v coil for $25 will still need a housing but lighting contactor same specs with housing $300plus that seems like a drastic difference and if you needed several the savings could add up. That all said I will go with a houses lighting contactor this is a very good customer of mine and I don’t want any problems down the road. Thx for the input.
Using a DP contactor is inherently an NEC 110.3(B) violation. It is not listed, so you cannot use it as intended in its listing. Take that for what its worth to you.

DP should stand for “Don’t Purchase”.
Using a DP contactor is inherently an NEC 110.3(B) violation. It is not listed, so you cannot use it as intended in its listing. Take that for what its worth to you.

DP should stand for “Don’t Purchase”.
So, which contactors are Good Purchase? Which are the General Purpose ones we can use?