Lighting Control

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Senior Member
Do any of you have any recomandations for whole house lighting control systems? I am looking for a system that doesnt require hv home runs to every device(trying to keep the price down). I know there are systems out there that you wire the house normally, and also run lv wires to each switch box. I know crestron makes a system that Ive roughed for but Ive been told the switches/equipment is very expensive. Anyone know any easier/les expensive systems they would recommend. The builder is looking to control all the lights from 3 or 4 locations with abilities for some scenes. System would not need to interface with any other systems in the home.
Any help would be appreciated,
mdshunk said:
Lutron Spacer.

Never liked it.... If doing a larger home you have to run extra wire around for the keypads and IR blaster...

frogneck77, So no IR, RF, X-10, and no home runs???? On top of easy and cheap?!? (I'm really trying hard not to say "Clapper" - you really limited the options....)

Grafik Eye???? (Crestron makes something VERY simular) with a few seeTouch pads here and there - limited to 8-6 zones though - if all together - thats 48 switch legs... You can add some IR, and RF if you like as well down the line...
The builder is looking to control all the lights from 3 or 4 locations with abilities for some scenes.
How many? And how much wattage? Kind of limited....
Try looking at Centralite. I saw this system a couple of years ago at a class I took. I don't think you will find an inexpensive option for what he wants you to do. Reliable equipment will cost money. Radio RA seems pretty bulletproof so far but it is expensive. Centralite if I remember is similar to Touchplate but instead of 2 wire low voltage wire to switches it uses Cat 5. Like Touchplate, think about the future when someone might say "I just want regular switches". It just won't happen.
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