Lighting design

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I was asked about lighting in a 80x100 work area with 18 foot ceilings, but when it comes to commercial lighting design, I find that I'm not as informed as I'd like to be.
When should you use high bay fixtures, or floresents, or other options. What are the guidelines, formulas and rules to achieve the best and most efficient layout?
Any websites or references would be appreciated.
Re: Lighting design

Cooper lighting just designed a 104x140 foot warehouse for us and have done many others.
It all depends on your application.
What are you using the warehouse for?
How long will the lights be in operation?
How many times will you be turning these on and off a day?
What foot candle do you want.
As far as the layout goes on a standard warehouse we install 10 feet from the corners and 25 feet apart.You should average about 44 foot candles.
Hope this helps.
They also will computerize a special layout and you can show your customer the layout.
Re: Lighting design

Keep in mind that HD lighting in work area should be backed up with some incandesent lighting in case of power failure. It takes time for HD light to warm up again.

Also make sure that you do not have excessive inrush current in the system. The voltage deep causes the lights going down.
Re: Lighting design

Get the free lighting design softward called visual 2.0 on Lithonia Lighting website. Then got to the manufacturer's websites and get the IES files. Your best bet for something quick is to ask a lighting rep, because if they suspect you will use their fixtures, you will give get a free design and a discount on the lights. Just a suggeestion...

Lady :)
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