Lighting Inverter Load Types

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Senior Member
Atlanta, GA, USA
Small job; gas station with convenience store; 800Amp, 120/208V, 3-phase service. There is a 125VA lighting inverter on the job for emergency egress lighting. Can this inverter also serve CO2 monitor? The CO2 monitor fits into the 125VA load-wise; does the load type matter here, the fact that the CO2 monitor is not lighting load? Thank you!
The first thought that popped into my head is why would you need to. I would think that if there is a power failure everybody needs to leave the store. Also, doesn't the monitor have its own battery backup?

The first thought that popped into my head is why would you need to. I would think that if there is a power failure everybody needs to leave the store. Also, doesn't the monitor have its own battery backup?


I can’t imagine it would not have a battery backup.

Shouldn’t be any reason to connect to inverter. Is this a cord & plug CO monitor? I’d be worried about someone plugging something else into the receptacle after the job is done and blowing the inverter fuse.

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A lighting inverter used for Artical 700 emergency lighting can not supply any other loads. Also likely a violation of the UL 924 listing for emergency lighting equipment.
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The first thought that popped into my head is why would you need to. I would think that if there is a power failure everybody needs to leave the store. Also, doesn't the monitor have its own battery backup?

Thanks for responding! The monitor doesn't have its own battery backup.
I can’t imagine it would not have a battery backup.

Shouldn’t be any reason to connect to inverter. Is this a cord & plug CO monitor? I’d be worried about someone plugging something else into the receptacle after the job is done and blowing the inverter fuse.

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Thanks for responding! The monitor doesn't have its own battery backup.
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