Lighting Inverter - Remote Annunciation?

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Work in NYC
Electrical Engineer, PE
Not technically NEC but...

In one of my recent jobs, I got a comment about tying the inverter into the fire alarm system. They stated that this came up on a recent job that NFPA 111 applies to all inverters over 500VA (due to the exclusion section) and that due 5.3.3 (the annunciation section), we need both local and facility remote annunciation. Is a lighting inverter, even if it's 1KW, a level 1 SEPSS? Is tying it into the fire alarm system an acceptable method of doing this? If it’s done this way, what would the alarm be, a supervisory signal?
I'm guessing you meant NFPA 101.
Be sure it is adopted as a code in your jurisdiction whether directly or indirectly. It is not often.
No I mean 111

Standard on Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power Systems
I thought you were on to something but then I see it in Chapter 27 of many IBCs that were adapted.

Emergency power systems and standby power systems required by this code or the International Fire Code shall be installed in accordance with the International Fire Code, NFPA 70, NFPA 110 and NFPA 111.
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I thought you were on to something but then I see it in Chapter 27 of many IBCs that were adapted.

Emergency power systems and standby power systems required by this code or the International Fire Code shall be installed in accordance with the International Fire Code, NFPA 70, NFPA 110 and NFPA 111.
Yes, it's usually adopted by reference from another code or standard.

It looks like the IOTA inverters have an option for a "remote summary alarm panel". I would just spec that and locate it somewhere where it will be seen.
Yes, it's usually adopted by reference from another code or standard.

It looks like the IOTA inverters have an option for a "remote summary alarm panel". I would just spec that and locate it somewhere where it will be seen.

Does inverter wiring for LED lighting require a separate raceway if it’s considered Level1?

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If this is an emergency system covered by Article 700, 700.6 requires this type of notification. The following is from the 2023 code, but similar requirements are found in older codes. No specific requirement to tie the signals into the fire alarm system, however I think that would satisfy the requirements.
700.6 Signals.
Audible, visual, and facility or network remote annunciation devices shall be provided, where applicable, for the purpose described in 700.6(A) through (D).
(A) Malfunction.
Malfunction signals indicate a malfunction of the emergency source.
(B) Carrying Load.
Load carrying signals indicate that the emergency source is carrying load.
(C) Storage Battery Charging Malfunction.
Storage battery charging malfunction signals indicate a charging malfunction on a battery required for source readiness, including starting the prime mover, is not functioning.
(D) Ground Fault.
Ground-fault signals indicate a ground fault in solidly grounded wye emergency systems of more than 150 volts to ground and circuit-protective devices rated 1000 amperes or more. The sensor for the ground-fault signal devices shall be located at, or ahead of, the main system disconnecting means for the emergency source, and the maximum setting of the signal devices shall be for a ground-fault current of 1200 amperes. Instructions on the course of action to be taken in the event of indicated ground fault shall be located at or near the sensor location.
For systems with multiple emergency sources connected to a paralleling bus, the ground fault sensor and the system bonding jumper shall be permitted to be at an alternative location.
I went with Steve's suggestion and found a few inverters that come with their own remote accessories so as to not use the Fire Alarm system.
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