lighting layout software

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ill try it out later, my computer has never let any virus, spyware, or adware get in

looks like a great program
Checked out a favorite, "Photometric Viewer" which I'd downloaded from Lithonia. (They had a trial version, but only at the Lithonia site.) Now it seems the parent Acuity is giving that away, along with a small cost/benefit analysis program. The one I downloaded for free doesn't do wall reflectances and is limited to so many standards... but you just put up one pole with a lamp HERE, and another facing OVER THERE, with a 20 foot x axis offset, to get around the pole thing. It looks as if the full thing is given away now, just quick and a delight to use.

Photometric viewer takes any industry standard light profile and generates the phometric picture of light levels. Then, it ouputs a dxf which drops onto an acad plot. You get to save about four hours for each type of fixture, orientation, etc, over doing it manually. And, none of the "Hey Frank how's this look." ;) It's really FUN.
Acuity / Lithonia also has Visual - the Basic version is free. The Pro version is $100. It reads data files from other brands as long as they are in IES std format. The Pro version shows contours for each fixture and for the layout as a whole, displays in 3D, can import backgrounds from AutoCAD and is a very good buy. We use it extensively. If you need even more power look at Lumen Micro from Lighting Technologies but it is $595.
I use Visual Pro daily. And I got it for free because I have a good relationship with the Lithonia rep as a specifier. I use it to submit for Development orders on site plans, optimizing the lighting levels for spaces without exceeding the energy code requirements.
i could not get it to work...

I am learning Punch super home design software now. I'm trying to learn how to get the stairs in place right but theres some lighting features on a similar program I have as well for home design.
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