lighting load

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Senior Member
What occupancy would a cabinet-making shop be considered for lighting load calcs? or would you just use actual connected load?

[ July 14, 2004, 07:50 AM: Message edited by: wirebender ]
Re: lighting load

It is always fun trying to fit all the different types of buildings into the catagories in table 220.3(A). They either need to expand the list, or provide a "Other" catagory.

Industrial is the closest one I see at 2 VA/square-foot. Of course, if possible, always make sure the actual lighting load doesn't exceed the number from the table. But you still have to provide for the load per the table, even if the actual load is less.

The lighting load is probably pretty small compared to the equipment they will have. So I would probably just use the largest number in the table (office at 3.5) for starters, and if you wind up close to a smaller service size, then think about reducing the 3.5.

Re: lighting load

I take the wording to mean that loft buildings are included in the industrial category for 2VA/sf. But the catagory isn't limited to loft buildings.

Here are some definitions of "loft":

1. a room, storage area, or the like within a sloping roof; attic; garret.
2. a gallery or upper level in a church, hall, etc., designed for a special purpose: a choir loft.
3. a hayloft.
4. an upper story of a business building, warehouse, or factory, typically consisting of open, unpartitioned floor area.
5. such an upper story converted or adapted to any of various uses, as quarters for living, studios for artists or dancers, exhibition galleries, or theater space.
6. Also called loft' bed". a balcony or platform built over a living area and used esp. for sleeping.
7. Chiefly Midland and Southern attic.
8. Golf.
a. the slope of the face of the head of a club backward from the vertical, tending to drive the ball upward.
b. the act of lofting.
c. a lofting stroke.
9. the resiliency of fabric or yarn, esp. wool.
10. the thickness of a fabric or of insulation used in a garment, as a down-filled jacket.


[ July 14, 2004, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: steve66 ]
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