This post will be a bit long but I want to give as much information as I can. I am working on a problem with the lighting inside a restaurant/bar. The lights will go up and down in brightness as if someone was moving the dimmer knob. Now here is what I know. This has been going on ever since the restaurant was built 5 years ago. The restaurant lighting is divided in half with each half having 8 zones controlled by 8 dimmers. There is also 1 ceiling fan control for 2 fans for each half of the restaurant(total of 16 dimmers and 2 fan controls). This problem was with every zone but now is only happening in 2 zones. Each half of lighting is fed with a 3 phase, 4 wire circuit(total of 6 circuits). When I first started looking into this I found that all 6 circuits were on the 'A' phase in the panel. Unknown to the customer, this was how the original contractor and 3 other contractors solved the problem. I changed all the circuits back to the proper phases in the panel and even pulled in separate neutrals for each circuit. Turned all the power back on and sure enough every lighting zone was going crazy. I changed all the circuits back to 'A' phase and again it is down to 2 zones. While working on this I did check the load and dimmer sizes which are all correct. The power company has been out to verify that there is no problem on their end. I am looking for any suggestions on what to look for next. My thoughts are that there is a problem with 'B' and 'C' phase and should have an infrared scan done or there is a problem with the neutrals. Any thoughts???? Any suggestions??? One last thing. I know the owners of this restaurant which is in Nevada and I am in Ohio. I looked into this 2 years ago when I was last there but will be going back in a month to get involved with this more. Looking for as much information as I can get before I go back. Thanks for reading and any help will be appreciated.