Lighting Protection for Separate Structure

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Senior Member
I am working on a facility that has a Lightning Protection System. At the entrance there is a canopy which has footing and steel columns with a PVC roof. Would this structure require Lightning Protection as well.

The only code reference i found was 780 (11.7) Isolated metal bodies that show no conductance to ground shall not require bonding.
I am not familiar with section 11.7 of the NFPA 780... (There are only 10 Chapters???)

Anyway, when a structure has multiple-level roofs or roof areas with different geometries, its best to establish your zone of protection being provided by the existing system. It may be possible one or more strike termination devices (air terminals / lightning rods) are within the protection curve based on the rolling sphere model.

This won't, however, eliminate the need to bond conductive metal or grounded parts to the exitising system where a sideflash or inductive effect may occur during a lightning attachment event.

I would suggest the original LPS installer be consulted when a potential alteration and/or addition to the LPS is being considered. This would be necessary if the existing system currently carries a UL inspection certificate (master label).
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