... I understand I need to put in UL listed lightning protection. Do I need this at each end of the cable or does one unit cover both ends of the cable? Also how far into the building can this protection be placed? I do not find this code anywhere.
800.90 Protective Devices
(A) Application. A listed primary protector shall be provided
on each circuit run partly or entirely in aerial wire or
aerial cable not confined within a block. Also, a listed primary
protector shall be provided on each circuit, aerial or
underground, located within the block containing the building
served so as to be exposed to accidental contact with
electric light or power conductors operating at over
300 volts to ground. In addition, where there exists a lightning
each interbuilding circuit on a premises shall
be protected by a listed primary protector at each end of the
interbuilding circuit. Installation of primary protectors shall
also comply with 110.3(B).
The primary protector shall be located in,
on, or immediately adjacent to the structure or building
served and as close as practicable to the point of entrance.
Also see
800.48 Unlisted Cables Entering Buildings because I hope you are using an OSP cable, not a PVC jacketed indoor cable ty-rapped to a clothesline.
You are going to need BEPs here (building entrance protectors with the right plug-in protectors) and splice cases. 100pr is a lot to deal with. Might be that you would be better off subbing this out because in my experience something like this can go south pretty quick if you have no telecom OSP experience.