Lightning Protection - PVC

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I have a few PVC plumbing vent pipes up on a roof. Is it necessary to provide lightning protection for them?

Couldnt find anything in NFPA 780 about LP for Nonconductive Roof Fixtures above the air terminal system.

Some contractors are saying it's necessary some say its irrelevant.

I attached a picture for reference.

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The Air Terminals are [ supposed ] to provide a path
of lesser conductivity than the pvc vent pipes.

That said, lightning is not preferential !......It can
strike anything, and usually does ! :happyyes:

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Ooooops !.......I meant to say that the Air Terminals are
supposed to provide a path of "more" conductivity, and
less resistance than the pvc piping adjacent to them. :dunce:

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a piece of metal on one of the lower domes would likely give up electrons before the PVC does. however, when you get into lightning voltages you can still harvest electrons from insulators. the point of lightning rods is to help direct (control) the discharge to a known path rather than exposing everything. lightning may hit the PVC stack and then jump off as it gets closer to the rooftop. if the PVC stack is a vent for moisture, lightning can easily follow the moisture path down into wherever that PVC goes. if strikes are of concern, you should look into proper lightning rod setup.

all that said, was there a call-out to address lightning strikes when stacks like that are installed? if not then what's the worry, inform the owner of the possibility and give recommendations, etc.
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