Lightolier Onset Dimmers & Art. 404.2 (C)

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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
We all know about 404.2(C) and why this came about. Here is the article for those that don't remember

(C) Switches Controlling Lighting Loads. Where switches control lighting loads supplied by a grounded general purpose branch circuit, the grounded circuit conductor for the controlled lighting circuit shall be provided at the switch location.

Then I install a brand New Lightolier Onset 3 way. This is similar to the Lutron Maestro with a master and slave unit. Check out the diagram. How is this compliant

They don't want to confuse any diy guys by adding extra wires on the diagram. (They would be up to their ears in phone calls). Besides, they are covered in the fine print that says; follow all applicable codes

(Playing devels advocate here), This was probably printed well before the 2008 NEC
They don't want to confuse any diy guys by adding extra wires on the diagram. (They would be up to their ears in phone calls). Besides, they are covered in the fine print that says; follow all applicable codes

(Playing devels advocate here), This was probably printed well before the 2008 NEC

The wires on the master unit are black, red yellow and a bare copper. On the other diagram it states to use the white wire from the dimmer to the neutral-- well there is no white wire. On the slave side they have the grey and bare connected together. Of course, I connected the grey to neutral and the bare to ground. Interestingly, the unit worked without the grey wire connected at all.
I just think this is poor for a company as big as Lightolier. Also they have one tech person who does not return calls. One tech person in the entire company
I agree thats very lame of them. Hope you will contact them to point out the mistake. A result of outsourcing their Eng. dept?
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