In a somewhat related story...
Back in the dark ages when "A small step for (a) man..." was only a few days away, a NASA engineer was being interviewed on the Today Show, where he was describing in detail how the moon landing and the subsequent return to Earth was to be accomplished. This fellow was the stereotypical engineer type, complete with white shirt, pocket protector, black rimmed glasses, and no personality whatsoever. When he got to the part about the launch from the moon to reconnect with the command module, he talked at length about "the ascend engine", but with his thick Southern accent it came out as "the ass end engine", which was strangely appropriate, since that engine was on the... well, that end of the spacecraft. He said it over and over again, and every time he did, the interviewer struggled mightily to keep a straight face with varying degrees of success. The engineer was oblivious, of course.