List of codes and standards in use? (NFPA)

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another guy who is going to put every standard know to man in his spec. :)
LOL, so true.

Around 7 or 8 years ago I was working on a project where the Engineer wanted submittal documentation that we met NFPA 97. I had never heard of it, turns out is is for chimneys and the like. I saw it in the bid spec but assumed that he meant NFPA 79 and I supplied that, but he kept insisting in email correspondences to the GC that we had failed to provide all required documentation and was holding back the retention. It was a headache for a lot of people and after about 2 months, he finally understood what I was saying.
LOL, so true.

Around 7 or 8 years ago I was working on a project where the Engineer wanted submittal documentation that we met NFPA 97. I had never heard of it, turns out is is for chimneys and the like. I saw it in the bid spec but assumed that he meant NFPA 79 and I supplied that, but he kept insisting in email correspondences to the GC that we had failed to provide all required documentation and was holding back the retention. It was a headache for a lot of people and after about 2 months, he finally understood what I was saying.

Where I previously worked we would get specs from engineering companies that would sometimes have 4 or 5 pages of specs they claimed we had to meet. We usually just took exception to the whole list except the ones we thought actually applied. Most times that was accepted. These days there are probably even more specs to add to the list.
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