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Senior Member
Hanover park, il
In are plant we installed new 2x4 LED lay in, in the ceiling, we have some left, I was asked if we could hang them from chain in an open ceiling,
I replayed, if the manufacture approves that type of installation for that type of light, or the AHJ approves the installation I can, if not no.
that is my interpretation of listed and labeling.

Am I correct in this line of thinking???

Any and all information is highly appreciated, Thank you.
I am sure they are listed for lay-in ceilings however I have never heard of a fixture that had to be listed for hanging from a chain. I don't see what purpose that would have. Imo, hanging the fixture will look awkward but would be compliant or at least should be compliant.
I've looked overhead in some big box stores, and some have isolated luminaries hanging on chains. Don't know if they're 'grid' based or not.
In are plant we installed new 2x4 LED lay in, in the ceiling, we have some left, I was asked if we could hang them from chain in an open ceiling,
I replayed, if the manufacture approves that type of installation for that type of light, or the AHJ approves the installation I can, if not no.
that is my interpretation of listed and labeling.

Am I correct in this line of thinking???

Any and all information is highly appreciated, Thank you.
This is commonly misunderstood. You must follow the instructions per 110.3, but the instructions don't have to grant you permission to do something, they can only say what you CAN'T do. Unless it says "this fixture for installation in suspended ceiling systems only" or "do not hang from chain" than you can do it.
Even in a grid don't the lights need wire or chain hanging as well?
From what I remember, at minimum, they had to have the hurricane? clips folded over the T-grid.
Or, screwed into the grid. That said, I think under certain conditions, the lay-in had to be individually supported.
It's been a couple of years since I've looked at the code regarding this.
I would still have accepted a lay-in fixture supported by chain on all corners without the T-grid.

The NEC does not require that, but some building codes do.
Yes, sir. For some reason I'm thinking the building code required the extra support in a rated ceiling.
I wish I could remember what or where the requirement might be.
Oh well, as a wise man said, wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one fills up first!

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