Listing/Labeling Requirements

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Senior Plans Examiner, MEP
Scottsdale AZ
Senior Plans Examiner
I was told many years ago (about 35) that no equipment or fixture shall be connnected to an electrical circuit that was not listed and/or labeled.

There have been many lighting fixtures coming into our area, now, that come from the EU that have been "modified" to comply with NEC standards, but do not carry a listing or label other than for the wattage and voltage for the fixture.

I believe 110.2 would apply, but it is a pretty wide brush to use. Is there anything else that would apply? The local codes and ordinances do not address this. :cry:
I was told many years ago (about 35) that no equipment or fixture shall be connnected to an electrical circuit that was not listed and/or labeled.
I would say that the thing you were told so many years ago is not strictly true. The FPN that follows 110.3(A)(1) leads me to conclude that an item can be approved (i.e., accepted by the AHJ), even if it does not have a listing or label. Having a listing or label would certainly make the job of the AHJ easier, and I am sure some authorities will not give their approval without one. But the AHJ does have the option of judging the equipment on the basis of the things listed under 110.3(A). As Chris pointed out, the NEC has a specific rule that covers your specific example. But the NEC does not have similar rules for all other types of equipment.
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Thanks guys. I keep forgetting to look in the 2008 and 2011 books. We've been using 2005 and it doesn't look like until late 2012 or early 2013 we'll move up.
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