Load Bank Calaculations

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Senior Member
Dallas, Tx
Master Electrician
When performing Load Bank Testing, how would one calculate the amount of load one needs to test to?
Depends on what you are testing and what purpose.

Many times it is to fully load equipment, so you choose the kW rating of the loadbank to draw the same power / current as the rating of the equipment in question.
We typically install permanent load banks that are about 50% of the gen capacity. When testing for 100% we add on temporary load banks to get up to 100%.
If you had to comply with NFPA 110: Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, 2019 Edition - Chapter 8 Routine Maintenance and Operational Testing

8.4.2 Generator sets in service shall be exercised at least once monthly, for a minimum of 30 minutes, using one of the following methods:
(1) Loading that maintains the minimum exhaust gas temperatures as recommended by the manufacturer
(2) Under operating temperature conditions and at not less than 30 percent of the EPS standby nameplate kW rating
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