load center in clothes closet

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Senior Member
I recently inspected several apartments that had the load center installed in existing clothes closets. Does anybody know the year that this requirement was first issued? and in anybody's experience does the AHJ require the landlord to remove that panelboard during any renovation to the apartment?
Thank you.


Chicago, IL
Re: load center in clothes closet

I deal with an apartment complex with 21 buildings, and 44 units per building. All units have the panels in the bedroom closets. During fire remodels, which is the only time they remodel, I require the panel to be relocated. The closet they are in is a interior that backs up to a hallway in the unit. They simply turn it around in the same location to face the opposite way which takes it out of the closet.


Senior Member
Re: load center in clothes closet

Well over 10 years maybe even 20.As to being required to be fixed would be a local issue.Fine line to walk on.Lets say no damage to the panel and fire simply damaged a few rooms.Would it be fair to require them to relocate or replace a once legal install ? Some places pick a number like 50% of the houses value as the point of making you bring everything up to code.I did lots of fire jobs for over 2 years.Some will end up with a lawyer involved.Sometimes there is no way they can be brought up to elevation and other issues without exceeding the insurance coverage.I seen this kind of thing happen often.Insurance companies would rather spend $85,000 to repair than to total a house and pay $100,000.If simply turning a panel 180 degees makes it code compliant i believe it wise to do so.
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